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A bulk of our services at Panamax Oil & Gas Limited are committed to the design and construction of industrial facilities, particularly Tank Farms for oil and other petroleum products such as fuel, lubricants, and bitumen. We construct and assemble state-of-the-art tank farms from design to execution with a team of professionals who are exceptional designers and master buildings, guaranteeing efficiency, and high quality for fair market prices. Our experts collaborate across their specializations and experience to carry out the design engineering, steel construction/fabrication, civil & structural engineering, electrical
engineering, instrumentation & controls, mechanical engineering, systems engineering, completions management, constructability reviews and site surveys, and commissioning procedures for projects of all sizes. We offer industry standard for the timely construction of cone roof, floating roof, low temperature, Horton-sphere, horizontal (bullet), and FRP Tanks that consist of refineries, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals containers, administration buildings, material handling plants, and terminals. We also carry out maintenance and inspection of tank farms nationwide